Our unique recognition mark. It represents our company to the outside world and is used uniformly, if possible, on all communication media that are visible to the outside world.
Standards and rules of use have been defined to ensure that the logo is recognisable.
Logo sizes
Defined logo sizes
for web and print
Web application
This applies to all types of screens and digital media.
Print application
This applies to everything that is printed in any form or that is tactile.
Never do that
Examples of "no go's"
In order not to reduce the brand value, it is essential to adhere to the specified logo representations. Under no circumstances may the AHT logo be changed arbitrarily or manipulated or altered as in one of the following examples. Coordination should always be clarified with the responsible agency.
The logo must always be completely filled
Distance between “AHT” and “a member of DAIKIN group” must not be changed
No effects may be added to the logo
The AHT logo must not be rotated
The logo must never be compressed or stretched.
The logo may only be displayed in the specified shade of red, black and white.

You need further information
or have questions?
Our marketing team will be happy to provide you with further information, additional documents or helpful tips and tricks at any time.